Sunday, November 3, 2013

Review of "Junie Moon Rising" by June Collins

One of the best lines I've ever read in a book is in this amazing story by June Collins. I previously read Goodbye Junie Moon, also by this author, and I loved it. I was excited to read this sequel and learn more about what happened to the colorful lady I'd gotten to know. I was not disappointed at all. The same wry sense of humor and love of life is evident in this book.

This book picks up soon after June's return from Vietnam and testimony to the Senate. We follow her through the next decade of her life as she struggles with memories of the war, rubs shoulders with the jet set, parties her way through several states, and finally finds love and her beloved children. Witnessing the growth of this incredible woman is something I recommend to anyone. It's a story that deserves to be read. June has truly led an amazing life. I won't share the line that inspired me because I don't want to rob the readers of experiencing it themselves.

It's a truly inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it with us, Junie Moon.

Junie Moon Rising

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